
Online Y.O.C.O. cards

Due to the rise in the use of digital tools during this pandemic times, we designed an online version of the existing Y.O.C.O. cards for youth workers. The online version of our second result of the project is available here.

APEL International conference video

Take a look at the video with highlights from our international conference, that was held in December 2021 in Celje, Slovenia. The video is available here.

Policy recommendations in German

Today we share with you the German translation of Policy Recommendations. The document can be found here.

Policy recommendations in Slovenian

Today we share with you the Slovenian translation of Policy Recommendations. The document can be found here.

The policy recommendations in Bolgarian

The policy recommendations that we have prepared are now available in Bolgarian language as well. Click here for a free download!

Policy recommendations in Dutch

In early December 2021, we shared with you the third (and last) result of the project, Policy Recommendations. In them, we explained the current state on the topic of active participation in all partner countries and developed recommendations for decisions makers. Now...

Successfull international conference in the media

Our international conference success is visible in today's local newspaper Celjan. The local newspaper Celjan highlighted in an article the project, it's goal and the course of the conference.

Use the YOCO cards anywhere via this online tool

The partnership has great news. As the past two years has made it evident the need for online digital tools is in demand more than ever. Therefore the consortium decided to adapt the coaching cards into digital format as well. If you follow this link...

International conference on TV

The International Conference on Youth Participation, that was held in Celje was a success Local TV TV Celje was there and have done a reportage, which you can see here

International conference in the media

The success of our international conference is also visible in today’s local newspaper Novi tednik. An article about the project itself, the project results and the workshop between the youth and the local policy-makers.
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